Introduction Tsunamis Hurricanes Floods Earthquakes How you can help

How you can help!


Less than 10 people will donate.

Now you know a little about some of the natural disasters out there. Natural disasters can leave people homeless, without family, hunger, and devastated. Many companies worldwide are helping out and you can too!


You can have school fundraisers to help promote awareness of nautural disasters and the destruction of them. You can do:

  1. A donataion drive
  2. Raise money
  3. Canned food and household supply drive
  4. Make blankets and quilts
  5. Donate clothes
  6. Donate medicines

With your family and friends

With your friends and family, you can help many people survive and have some family-bonding time! If you experience a natural disaster, here's something you can do to help:

  1. Provide housekeeping services
  2. Babysit/Petsit
  3. Donate
  4. Charity Drive
  5. Educate people and get the word out what you just experienced!

Companies to donate

Many companies help with the aftermath of natural disasters. Red Cross is famously known to aid victims of natural disasters. They provide shelters, emergency supplies, medical equipment, food, and thousands of volunteers are helping out.

There are over a thousand other companies that help with natural disasters. All these companies have a donation page to help buy medical equipment, clean water kits, and food for homeless people after the destruction. Just to name a few:

  1. Doctors Without Borders provide medical help to countries or places that experience natural disasters.
  2. Mercy Cops is a nonprofit organization that helps with emergency relief.
  3. Relief International provide many services like health, shelter, and help with reconstruction.
  4. Save the Children responds to any danger that any child might have and provided them protection and care.
  5. United Nations Children's Fund works on giving children safe places to stay after natural disasters